Genome-wide Molecular Dating

Talk at SMBE Yokohama

 Carolin is giving a talk “Genome-wide estimation of the evolutionary history of six baboon species with polymorphism-aware phylogenetic models” at the SMBE2018, Symposium SY24, Room 302 at Thu 9th July 12:30-15:30. Check it out if you’re there!

Symposium at Evolution 2018 conference

We are co-organizing the Symposium S31 “New approaches to phylogenomics” at the Evolution 2018 conference ( in Montpellier. Do come along if you’re there.  

Congrats Dominik!

Alumni Dominik Schrempf graduated “sub auspiciis praesidentis rei publicae”, Austria’s highest possible honor for graduates who have excelled throughout their education and studies.