Our new manuscript is posted on bioRxiv!
Talk at SMBE Yokohama
Carolin is giving a talk “Genome-wide estimation of the evolutionary history of six baboon species with polymorphism-aware phylogenetic models” at the SMBE2018, Symposium SY24, Room 302 at Thu 9th July 12:30-15:30. Check it out if you’re there!
Symposium at Evolution 2018 conference
We are co-organizing the Symposium S31 “New approaches to phylogenomics” at the Evolution 2018 conference (http://evolutionmontpellier2018.org/symposia) in Montpellier. Do come along if you’re there.
Meeting in Budapest
Carolin and Rui are visiting Gergely’s group including and Dominik Schrempf in Budapest today.
Congrats Dominik!
Alumni Dominik Schrempf graduated “sub auspiciis praesidentis rei publicae”, Austria’s highest possible honor for graduates who have excelled throughout their education and studies.
Programme for MASAMB is ready
For the schedule see https://synergy.st-andrews.ac.uk/masamb/ Gergely and Rui will join us for the event in St Andrews.
Mathematical and Statistical Aspects of Molecular Biology (MASAMB)
We co-organize the MASAMB workshop in St Andrews. Check it out at Home